Other Writing

Warrior Magazine Weekly Articles

From March to August of 2015 I wrote for the online magazine Warrior Magazine, chronicling the arts, college life, and cultural events:

Remembering Denver

A Weekend in the West 

Poetry-"The Weary, Hunched Over Man 

Small Town Surprises

Spread Eagle Art and Energy 

Mackinac Island: Grace Remembered 

Comic Book Kids 

Crossing the San Francisco Ocean

A New Meaning of Vulnerability

Fr. Gregory Boyle: Welcoming Wounds  

Paramount Theater: Some Like it Hot

Are we Humans, or are we Dancers?

San Francisco Foghorn Articles

In November of 2015 I began writing for the University of San Francisco's school newspaper, the SF Foghorn. I write for the Scene section, conducting interviews and attending local art and theater events:

Deniz Demirer: Falling in Love with Film 

Run Away to the Circus: Cavalia's Odyssey 

Ignatian Literary Magazine

I am an editor for the University of San Francisco's undergraduate-run literary magazine. In Spring 2016 I led an Ignatian project called 'Writers of San Francisco' featuring a series of interviews with open mic performers in the Bay Area. The feature can be found online below, including extended interviews and open mic reviews.

An Interview with Rafael Herrero

An Interview with Bobby Spencer

Open Mic Review: Smack Dab